The plan will identify strategies to eliminate severe injuries and fatalities. It will consider how to improve safety for all people in the County, including people biking, driving, walking, and taking the train or bus, as well as freight transportation.
The study area for the project includes the entirety of Costa County and has been divided into four subregions. These four subregions are shown in the map below.
This latest safety action planning effort is scheduled to be completed in Spring 2024. Any individual Local Road Safety Plan adoption by the local jurisdiction for OBAG-3 compliance is due December 31, 2023.
Development of the Countywide Transportation Safety Action Plan will involve the following tasks:
Conduct a countywide assessment of historical crashes and identifying focus areas.
Evaluate safety equity through the identification of equity priority communities in Contra Costa County.
Engage with the community to understand safety concerns and inform recommendations.
Develop recommendations to address the focus areas to reduce crashes within the County. These recommendations will include roadway, crossing, bikeway, and sidewalk projects and updates to countywide safety policy.
Develop implementation strategies for the recommended projects, programs, and policies, including priority locations for safety improvements and potential funding sources.